Sunday, July 1, 2012

Blog Challenge Last Day: Weird Quirk of Mine

To my knowledge, I have never been described as 'quirky'.  Maybe one weird quirk does not 'quirky' make.    (pause, pause, pause, think, think, think-think, think, think)----OK!  I got one!  I will usually come up with a song for just about any occasion.  Someone getting married?  I will burst out into "Going to the chapel and we're--gonna get ma-a-arried"!  Or maybe we're talking about a friend...."You ain't never-- had a-- frieeeeeend liiiiike MEEEEEEE!" (And I'll probably add the bwa-da-das!).  Last night we were watching some of the Olympic trials, and I'm thinking about "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free!.....God Bless the U-S-A!!"   Put me to the test sometime...if you haven't actually heard me start singing part of a song that I somehow feel fits the situation, then it's probably just because it's playing in my head, not out my mouth!  Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, and apparently, I'm self-medicated!  
As this blog challenge ends, I want to thank you all for coming.  Can't really tell you what this page will contain from here on out, but I hope you stay tuned!  Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are!


  1. Good job, Mom! I loved reading all your posts. And way to finish in about a month, I'm stuck on "a hard time in my life". Like 7-8 more to go!
