Friday, June 15, 2012

Blog Challenge Day 15: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Thought it might be helpful to go back and paste in the original topics for this blog challenge that my daughters and I have taken here we are, on Day 15 already!  But before I begin the boring list of my day, I have a link that is a followup to my entry of Day first celebrity crush.  And, 'scuse me, he's still pretty crush-worthy!

Yeah, the title gives it away, but so what?

Anyway, on to the timeline of my day, and since it's summer, it's pretty short!

*Sleep in til about 8:30
*Grab my water bottle, yogurt and most recent Harry Potter book, head outside to sun for about 1/2 an hour. (This also involves throwing the ball for Viva, and pulling large chunks of hair out of Lizzie, who is still molting.)
*Shower, get dressed, blah, blah, blah
*Do a chore or two around the house
*Eat lunch, take a nap, crochet most recent baby afghan
*Watch NCIS or Big Bang Theory
*Chat with husband
*Crochet some more
*Go to bed

There are slight variations on this theme every day, but those are the basics.  I plan to do some serious grandchild bonding this summer, too, as I will be taking care of Monroe for a week or so in July while her regular babysitter is on vacation, and then it will be time for the next babies to arrive!  Ah, summer...this is why I work for pennies for the public education system!

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