2. Go on a Disney cruise
3. Have a getaway home, either a cabin in the mountains or a beach house
Honestly, that's all I can think of. I've never kept a running list of things to accomplish before I leave this frail existence. I think I've already accomplished a lot--I've given birth to, and raised, 6 of the most amazing people I could ever want to know, and now they're starting to reward me even more by giving me grandchildren. I am still very much in love with their father. He takes good care of me. I continue to work toward improving my testimony and my faith, trying hard to build my relationship with my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ. This goal will carry me beyond this life, and hopefully, my eternal relationships with my family will be carried beyond this earth, as well. Actually, that goal makes the 3 I listed above seem pretty worldly and selfish. But I still wouldn't mind if they happened. (insert sheepish grin here)
You're cute