Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blog Challenge Day 17: Favorite Childhood Book, or Of Mice and Fairy Tales

Whoo, boy.  This is a tough one.  The problem here is that I remember what the book looks like, and I remember the gist of the story, but I can't remember what it was titled!  I can picture the cover and the illustrations....oh, well, here's the synopsis.  Maybe somebody out there knows this book, too,  cuz I don't own it anymore, and I'm sure it's out of print.  It's the story of a little mouse whose hole was in the bedroom of a little girl and boy.  Every night the father would read the children a bedtime story from a large book, and the little mouse would sit, enraptured, out of sight and listen to Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, etc.  So one day, when the family is gone, he sneaks out and opens up the book.  He has a wonderful time looking at all the pictures that match the stories he's heard!  But then, he comes across a story in the book that he doesn't recognize!  He keeps hoping, night after night, that the dad will read it, but the little boy and girl keep requesting others.  Then, one night, the father finally begins to read a new tale, and the mouse is so excited!  But, oh, no, the cat comes into the room!  So the little mouse runs into his hole and doesn't get to hear the end of the story.  Days go by and the father doesn't tell that story, so the mouse sneaks out again, finds one of the little girl's hair ribbons, and uses it to mark the spot in the book.  That night the father asks who put the ribbon in the book, and the children don't have a clue.  The mouse holds his breath...will the father pick another story, or will he choose that one?  Are you on the edge of your seat yet? Yes!  The father decides to read the story marked by the ribbon, and finally, FINALLY, the little mouse will find out what happens to the characters he saw in that tale!  ..... The End 

 P.S.  I looked on Google images and Goodreads, in the hopes that I'd stumble across it, but no luck!  If I ever find it, trust me, you'll be among the first to know!

1 comment:

  1. I know what book you are talking about, we still had it when we were little, didn't we? Now I'm going to be on a mission.
